2018: Freelance, travel, awesome collaborations and staying positive

2018 was one of those years for many of us that provided the most epic highlights of our lives but also a lot of lows and opportunities for growth.

I think for those of us trying to step out from our old habits, routines and careers, this was a transformative year and a very important one for stepping towards our goals.

For me, this was very much the case.

I started the year in a great media job contract that I’d come back from overseas travels to do and once that was complete I jumped on a plane again and set off to continue my freelance career while travelling the world.

Getting collaboration deals while travelling

If you’ve been following my YouTube channel or Instagram page, you would’ve seen my awesome adventures, but I made this video because I wanted to share a little more behind the scenes insight.

I talk about how I got those awesome collaboration deals shooting retreats for travel bloggers, yoga teachers and boss business owners.

These experiences were definitely amongst the highlights of my year because it took so much courage to make the decision to leave my dream job as a TV News Reporter the previous year to go freelance and create media content while travelling the world.

These jobs confirmed to me that I’m on the right path!

How to stay positive when bad things happen

I think it’s also important to share that life is not one big Instagram highlights reel.

So I also talk about some of the lows I experienced in 2018 including a bungled surgery that landed me in Intensive Care, my lesson in how our physical health affects our mental health and how I overcame getting assaulted which really shook me to the core.

Why was 2018 one of the best and worst years?

Let me know in the comments how your year panned out and do you agree that 2018 was one of the best and worst years?

And if you like any of my videos or photos, please share with your friends as I’d love to know you care!

Thank you and wishing you all the best for 2019!

Stay positive 🙂

About Roxanne Taylor

Roxanne Taylor is a freelance video journalist who makes videos, takes photos, writes and laughs loudly. Always searching for vegan ice cream, the meaning of life and good places to shoot sunrise.

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